Lwiw - Eine Stadt ausser Reichweite der Regierung

  • Interessanter Artikel der New York Times ueber die Situation in Lwiw


    LVIV, UKRAINE — Oleh Salo, the Ukrainian state’s senior representative in this western region, was hard at work keeping up appearances. He had just completed a new budget, he explained, and had an urgent meeting with the newly appointed local chief of Ukraine’s security service.

    Yet, Mr. Salo, the governor, expelled by protesters from his suite of offices on the second floor of the Lviv Region State Administration, is virtually powerless, scurrying between makeshift temporary quarters as he struggles to maintain an increasingly threadbare illusion that his boss, Ukraine’s embattled President Viktor F. Yanukovych, is still running this breakaway part of the country.

    “We now have two powers here, a formal one that is not real and is not recognized by anyone, and people power,” said Andriy Sokolev, a local trade union head who led about 2,000 antigovernment protesters in storming the governor’s offices in late January.

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  • find ich ja ausgesprochen toll, das sich mal eine so namhafte Zeitung in meine Stadt "verlaufen" hat.
    Hab Freunden und meiner Frau vor schon langer Zeit mal von Kennedy und seinem berühmten Satz in Berlin erzählt. Ist ein geflügeltes Wort bei uns geworden zu sagen : "ich bin ein Lviver!"
    Ich sag das auch (fast) jedem und da ist mittlerweile irre viel Stolz auf die Menschen dieser Stadt dabei.
    P.S.: übermorgen endlich wieder daheim...